Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 3, 2013

Today we met with our regular perinatalogist for our 4-week checkup. The good news for this appointment was that she does not want to push me past 39 weeks, so we can expect to induce our little guy at least a week early! She also mentioned, however, that with my cardiac condition, they will want to keep me a couple extra days for recovery and monitoring. That was a little disappointing, as I am pretty excited for all this to be over, but I know it is for the best. Everything else we discussed was about normal pregnancy aches and pains…thankfully, not too much to complain about though!
…And since then: The week I had these two doctor appointments was also a busy week at school. And truthfully, the past two weekends have been crazy busy and non-stop movement. This weekend I quickly realized, after sleeping most of the weekend away, that I have a new activity threshold, and I need to get used to it! I'm not the same girl I used to be, and I need to slow down and allow myself time to rest. At the same time, I feel like with only 3.5 months left, the pressure is on to get everything ready and get all my “ducks in a row” before baby comes. There is so much I want/need to do, and time is running out. This also neatly coincides with the ending of the school year, which is also a crazy time! However, I don’t want the next five weeks to slow down. I am actually really ready to be done with full time work- it has gotten amazingly difficult to get myself up and ready each morning, and keep up with the daily demands (something else I never imagined). I feel like I am in an awkward limbo at the moment. This weekend was good for me though- I did my best not to communicate with anyone, took myself off Facebook and email for the most part, and just focused on enjoying the quiet. Lately I have found myself in the middle of conversations, when I quickly realize “I am done. I don’t want to talk anymore.”  But how do you graciously tell someone to shut up? I'm sorry if that seems rude…its just another example of the crazy pregnancy symptoms I am feeling, I guess. This, along with random spurts of crying episodes for things that feel so ridiculous later. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones!

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