Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 12, 2013

At about 3:30 a.m. this morning I woke up feeling nauseous and awful. Being pregnant, this wasn’t too surprising or uncommon (although I have had a relatively “easy” pregnancy in terms of the normal symptoms such as nausea that people associate with pregnancy). When the feeling that I was going to actually vomit (something that hasn’t actually happened up to this point) came over me, I headed to the bathroom and made routine visits there every 1 ½ to 2 hours following. I decided that since my doctor is fabulous, and pretty much wants to know every time I blink, I decided to call the advice nurse, just to let them know I either had the flu or food poisoning and to see if they had any bright ideas as to what I should eat or drink to make sure I stay hydrated and nourished for the baby. Much to my surprise (although, as I mentioned before, my doctor may be slightly over-zealous and hence I should not have been too surprised…), they ordered us to head over to the Labor and Delivery Department at St. Vincent right away, as it sounded more like the flu then food poisoning, and I would need IV fluids to prevent dehydration and the potential for early term contractions. So that is where we spent the next three and a half hours...
As with all unexpected surprises, a few good things came of it. We got to listen to the baby boy kicking and moving around. He was fine, and his heart rate was 148. And, we also got to preview the Labor and Delivery Dept., and try out the Mom and Dad beds. Bryan and I actually took small naps as we waited for the IV and anti-nausea drugs to kick in. It was also a busy day, as it seemed many babies decided to enter the world all at the same time. Despite this, the care was good and the staff was friendly. We enjoyed our time (and I left almost feeling halfway decent), but my only regret was that we didn’t have a cute little bundle of joy to bring back to the outside world with us. This is a blessing, as I seem to continue to put this little guy through many unexpected trials, but he remains tough. August 26th (or sliiiiiightly sooner) can’t come fast enough! I took a few pictures of the L&D room, to remember what it will be like for the magical day when he does decide to arrive:
This will be your first crib. But don't get too comfortable. You will have a much nicer one at home!

This is Daddy trying out his window seat/bed. He said it wasn't too bad. Especially since he started snoring while I took this picture.
This was my view. Pretty boring. And the rocking chair wasn't even that comfortable.

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