Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 1, 2013 Those "Other" Feelings

So this is a minor sidestep in another direction, away from the noted, average medical triumphs and tribulations that come with this pregnancy. Its appropriate since today is June 1st and, as a teacher, my emotions swing as far and wide as a pendulum every June and September. And that’s without being pregnant. My roles change drastically on these two months of the year, and I go from being needed and constantly distracted by 17 demands at one time from my little peers, to suddenly having more time to myself starting in June. Quiet time where my brain suddenly turns back on (or off, if it’s September) and I have to readjust my schedule, my thoughts, and my life once again. Often times I go through a “down” time as I try to figure out what I am doing with my life, address other areas of my life that need attention and/or work, and question if I’m ready to make another 10 month commitment in doing the teaching thing all over again. However, usually, I am in a happy place, and could not feel more fortunate for this blessing growing inside me.
If things had gone according to my own imperfect plan, I would be due to deliver any day now, and I would have had three months of chasing the demands of one little peer, before deciding if I was ready to go back to teaching in September. But God has a way of making His plans higher than mine. I still haven’t figured out why I have been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, or why I had to find out early on in pregnancy, and subsequently deal with both medical conditions that often collide in rude and unexpected ways, but it is what it is and there is nothing I can do to change it. I just thank God now that I have two more months (at least) to rest and prepare for this little guy, as this last month of working as been treacherous on my body (I think the 2nd trimester has been even harder than the 1st!). And, with delivering a baby at the end of August, the idea of whether or not to return to school in September was a no-brainer. Luckily, God had a plan for that one as well.

By God’s grace, Bryan and I feel like we are in a place where I can take a couple months off through various means that have presented themselves in the past month or two. And it sounds like I will need this time to recover, and then begin more medical testing for my heart. And, after all the stress of the past year (with no vacation), I am hoping to join Bryan in Vegas the end of October/early November for the annual car show- but that depends on what kind of baby this guy is, and if we think he will mind traveling or not. Best of all, I was offered a part-time job by a very understanding employer who knows my situation and is willing to make adjustments for me, so that I can help contribute to our family’s income, and also give the grandmas and aunties some time with this little guy as well (plus daddy has Mondays off, so that will help too!).
With all that being said, I am trying my best to mentally prepare myself for all the changes that are about to happen, even within the next week. This upcoming week I will quit my job from the past six years, and say goodbye to the family at my school- my co-workers, students, and families of students. We are also saying goodbye to Bryan’s brother this week, who after 4 ½ years (some of that time being overseas in the military) will be moving out of our home to his new home on his own. This will give Bryan and I some time to enjoy our last couple months alone together before welcoming our next roommate (and I can have the appropriate time to “nest” J). I will also be turning 30 shortly, which brings on some mental challenges of its own. And, pretty soon we will be a mother and a father, for the rest of our lives. Which is just weird.

As I have more time now to sit back and think about all that has been thrown our way in the past six months, another feeling that keeps creeping up is that of regret. Up until this point in my life, I have been blessed to truly say I have no regrets. The Lord has guided my steps, and by wisdom outside my own control, I have somehow followed. I found the man I was going to marry and have a family with early on, and through the growing changes of our adolescents, we somehow managed to stay together or always find our way back to each other. I knew early on that I wanted to be a teacher, and followed all the steps to getting me there and on the doorstep of my current school, where I got to teach AND share the good news of Jesus Christ. And I have a loving family who I have never turned my back on, nor them on me. I have friends who I can say the same for. And Bryan and I were guided to our church home the month before we were married, and its where we have been ever since. Up until this point, despite a few minor bumps (by comparison, though at the time they felt monumental) along the way, life has been perfect.
However, there is one regret. It’s the regret that we waited too long. That this baby in my belly is not starting kindergarten next year, and that he doesn’t have one or two little brothers or sisters following along behind him… because now he probably never will. Because we waited too long. Six years ago my health was fine, and I could have sustained a pregnancy better than I can now (most likely). And who knows what it will be like in the next one or two years, so the question of if we will have another child is a big, hairy question (although we think we know the answer). Its not all bad, though. We had valid reasons for waiting. We got to enjoy seven years of marriage, just being us together, we got to travel and do whatever we wanted, and we overcame the financial hurdles (most of them!) that we graduated college with. We are still by no means where we wanted to be, financially speaking, and we never took that trip to Hawaii, but at the time we decided to start trying, we just knew it was time. And now we know why. And on the days like today when I really allow myself to stop and think, I wish we had done it sooner. I’m just so thankful we didn’t wait any longer, and that it did not take too long to conceive.

One of those “other” feelings I am dealing with now, especially within the last two weeks, is paranoia. My doctor has me in a full state of alert, and I am in tune with every fiber of my body at every moment of the day, and it is seriously freaking me out. Most pregnant women can attest to being in this state during nine months of pregnancy as well, I am sure. But added to the warning signs of trouble in pregnancy, are all the signs and symptoms that an attack on my heart is coming. Most of these things, though, I keep to myself, as I don’t want to worry anyone or be bothered by an unnecessary trip to the hospital (which I fully understand, even in my state of denial, this is not always the wisest or best thing to do for the baby, and I am working on that).
Just going to work each day as been a strain on my psyche, as I push away every little heart flutter or twinge in my left arm. Then there is the tightening in my chest that sometimes presents itself, or the spell of dizziness I get. Is it heart, or is it pregnancy? Pregnancy? Heart? I now covet weekends when I have nothing planned, because that means I won’t have any commitments to break should I have to. When I am at home, I feel safe. And when I am out in public, I notice I tend to become grouchy very fast, because I am not in the safety of my home (sound like paranoia?!?). Tonight I am opting out of going to a parade downtime, even though my husband halfway agreed to going (which is unusual because he hates parades!), because the thought of being stuck downtown amidst hundreds of thousands of people and no way to quickly get out, scares me. I also opted out of going to Seattle for a concert this weekend because that is three hours from home, and from our doctors. I can’t go to California at the end of the month for a family reunion with my husband, because being that far away for an extended period is out of the question. We initially agreed he would still go, though now we are both questioning the logic in that as well, because I may need him here if something should happen (my cardiologist already warned me these attacks could become more frequent and closer between). I have since been wracking my brain trying to think of a person who I could call on at any time of the day, besides Bryan, who I wouldn’t feel bad about asking to spend hours with me in the ER, helping to answer questions from medical staff, if need be. I came up empty. Which leads me to feel ever more thankful for my husband, who has more knowledge of my condition than I do or even the stumped medical professionals working in the ER. All I can say is, living in this constant state of high alert is exhausting.

So this is what happens when I am alone for even a moment (on a Saturday morning) with my thoughts. Usually in the busy-ness of the day, I don’t have time to really stop and think, though often these things do find a way to creep in, eventually (if I let them). When I think about all the changes in my life these past few months, and all the even bigger changes coming within this upcoming week, I hardly feel like its my own life that I am currently dealing with. And when I think of the previous years of marriage, it feels like I am looking back on someone else’s life. I feel like I am currently stuck in a wedge between two lives, and I have no idea what to expect. One thing I do know for sure is that my perspective on life has shifted dramatically, and I see things differently. What I once considered “priorities” are hardly that anymore. I look at our health, our jobs, our finances, and realize any of that can change at any second. But any person with life experience knows that with change comes opportunity, and one must always find the silver lining.
So I am thankful for this current state of being. Sometimes, I find I am the happiest in times of most stress, as I come to lean more heavily on my Savior, Jesus Christ. And luckily, we have another ultrasound to look forward to on Monday morning, where I can have faith that all my worries and concerns will be put to rest and we can enjoy that special moment seeing and bonding a little more with our little son <3. He is a very welcome distraction.

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