Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Last Three Weeks

The last three weeks (since our last doctor appointment) have been quiet and uneventful in terms of my health! Hooray! Both the echocardiogram and the glucose test came back negative for changes, and I have been feeling somewhat restored of energy since finishing the school year. Bryan took a trip to California, and I resumed my summer job working as an assistant property manager for a local company. No heart issues to speak of, though now it is getting hot, I am getting even more puffy and sweaty, and thus more short on breath. I think this little guy has dropped somewhat, so in terms of pregnancy, my only complaint is the excessive need to pee! He has been busy working on his backstrokes and karate chops in there, and while I am proud of his sweet, innocent endeavors, I would also like to not be disturbed while trying to rest at night :-). Feeling him during the day, though, is always reassuring.

Tomorrow we go see our perinatalogist, and after this appointment, we will see her once every two weeks until closer to delivery date. Tomorrow we hope to get more answers on when to plan on having this baby. My own family situation has changed, and we think my dad is passing away from a long time battle with multiple system atrophy, a neurological condition that slowly (over a couple decades) debilitates his body. He is in the end stages now, though is hanging on until this baby is born. We are believers in God and Heaven, however, and we know that no matter the outcome, he will see this baby. But it would be nice if he could hang on until August. This is also when one of my sisters is planning to arrive to help my mom and help with the baby. So if we could "plan" the delivery time, that would be fantastic. :-)So hopefully tomorrow there will be more updates.

Until then, here is a photographic collection of the past few weeks, as we prepare for this very special arrival:

Baby Dylan (this is his intended name :-)) received his first, very own addressed package in the mail this week! This beautiful quilt came from my sister's mother in law, who my niece affectionately calls Nanny Tanny. She has been praying steadfastly for our health throughout this pregnancy, and she understands Bryan's passion for cars, which may (hopefully) transfer on down the line :-).
 We finally bought our own (very first) brand new couch! No more hand me downs! Once Bryan's brother moved out, we told him to take the old couch and we replaced it with this sectional from Costco.
 Bryan was sure he could fit all three pieces into the bed of our (new to us) truck- a little Ford Ranger! You can't see the doubting Costco employee behind the stacks, gently encouraging him to make separate trips instead.

 I took this picture of the daddy to be on one of our many dinners out this month. You would think with not working over time anymore, I would have more time (or desire) to cook. Nope.

 For the record, this is Fuzzy. I don't think he has been introduced on this blog yet. He is the expectant big brother- 11 years senior. :-)

 And this is my dad. I took this picture of him right before a recent downturn. This was maybe the last time he could sit at the kitchen table (with the help of his wheelchair) and carry on a coherent conversation.

 Bryan has a couple buddies getting married within the year. Should Bryan be a groomsman, I would like to dress Dylan up similarly for kicks. I found this strapping suit at Burlington Coat Factory, and took this picture to remind myself later :-). This suit is very much like the all-white prom suit Bryan proudly wore to our first prom as a "couple" in 2001! (see previous blog)
 For our 7th wedding anniversary on June 24, Bryan surprised me at my job with these gorgeous roses and some other treats to enjoy. He is so sweet :-).

 At 31 weeks, Baby is the size of a pineapple- theoretically. Although, he is a hefty one for his age, so we found the biggest pineapple available :-).

 Last summer, I bought this swimsuit on clearance at Old Navy without trying it on first. I was in the middle of a 40 pound weightloss journey, and it ended up being too big! This summer...just the opposite. Not sure yet if we will make it to August in this one :-).

 While Bryan was away in California, I stayed at my parent's house. This provided ample time for Dylan to perform his stunts for Nana (hand pictured on my stomach above). Since Bryan got home, Dylan has been giving him the cold shoulder. No kicks for daddy.

The giant sausages that are my feet. Pour some BBQ sauce on these Lil' Smokies.
 Our new living room set. Daddy is working on the crib and nursery furniture as we speak...more pics coming soon!!!


  1. Love the updates. Keep them coming!

  2. Glad to see your Dad and Mom yesterday, Michelle. I love the blog and the photos, even of the "auto" quilt. We continue to pray. Stay cool!
