Sunday, March 17, 2013

January 22, 2013

The day we were waiting for! Our first glimpse of our little bundle of joy! Bryan and I both took a half day off work, and arrived to the doctor’s office super early (and with a full bladder). We were told the ultrasound tech was running a little behind (what every expectant mother with a full bladder does not want to hear), though she came out to get us ten minutes before our appointed time! We went to the back room, and I laid on the table and pulled my shirt up (this was the relatively painless kind of ultrasound, luckily!) Bryan didn’t even have time to sit down before you were there, on the t.v., right in front of us! A perfect little swimming blob. It was a very surreal moment. I was thankful to see you alive and well, and Bryan was simply amazed. He asked lots of good questions I didn’t even think of, with the most important one being “So, there is just one, right?” J. We also learned you were measuring at the right size for being nine weeks old, and then we got to hear your heartbeat for the first time. It was the most amazing sound. I tried hard not to cry as I looked between the picture of you on the tv, and the Daddy standing next to me, with his hands in his pockets and eyes glued to the tv. Pure joy at that moment was all either of us could feel. Unfortunately, the ultrasound ended too soon. We could’ve stayed in that room with that t.v. forever.

Our first initial doctor appointment with the OBGYN was to follow after the ultrasound. We had met her once before, when I was having some ovarian cyst issues that fall, so she was happy to see us back this time with better news! Unfortunately, once we began to describe to her our ER visit the previous Thursday, we could tell she was not comfortable with the situation. At one point, she left the room for 20 minutes, and told us when she returned that she had called her perinatologist (high risk doctor) colleague, who advised we should go meet with her instead. The depth and complicated nature of my cardiac situation was just something this current OBGYN did not feel prepared to deal with. So we left that appointment feeling disheartened and more worried than when we left the ER five days before. But, we set up the appointment with the high risk doctor and looked forward to moving forward with doctors who felt more capable to address this increasingly complicated situation, even though I was not comfortable being classified as a “high risk pregnancy”.

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